PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF THE LUBE OIL DURING THE COMPETITIVE FILTER TEST During the time that the GULF COAST FILTERS were installed on the High Speed engine a total of over 11,000 running hours were accumulated with no routine oil drains. During this time all of the oil samples presented to Analysts Labs for analysis showed the oil to be in excellent condition and suitable for further use. As I have mentioned before, the COMPETITIVE FILTER was installed on virtually new oil shortly after an oil drain was performed on the High Speed Engine, due to a coolant leak. After starting with virtually new oil, it was less than 2,500 hours when samples sent to Analysts Labs started recommending that a COMPLETE OIL DRAIN NEEDED TO BE PERFORMED. During the COMPETITIVE FILTER test, there were three major areas of oil quality and condition that were affected during the COMPETITIVE FILTER test, even after the COMPETITIVE FILTER was being serviced on a more frequent interval. These also are the reasons that Analysts Labs recommended oil drains for the High Speed Engine. These Areas are as follows: 1.
OXIDATION Listed on the next page are graphics showing the changes in each physical property of the oil affected during the COMPETITIVE FILTER test.
WEAR RATES HIGHER WITH THE COMPETITIVE FILTER Analysis from Analysts Services, Inc., showed two areas in which wear was higher using the Competitive Filter. Also, I would like to mention that there were no cases in which wear rates were less than when using the GULF COAST FILTER. (SEE GRAPHS ON IRON AND, CHROMIUM ON THE FOLLOWING PAGE)