SUBJECT: ARMY NATIONAL GUARD SUCCESS WITH GCF 12-BANK FUEL FILTER SYSTEM ON 4-WHEEL TRAILER Gulf Coast Filters in Gulfport, MS has developed a fuel recycling system that has been tested by the U.S. Army National Guard. This system will enable its user to eliminate disposing of contaminated fuel and save the guard thousands of dollars. This system can also be used to polish fuel tanks in vehicles that sit idle for long periods of time. By keeping the fuel tanks clean in guard vehicles and track equipment, the guard will know if deployed that these vehicles will not shut down due to contaminated fuel tanks. National Guard vehicles sit for long periods of time allowing moisture and algae to develop in the fuel tanks. This problem will go unnoticed until the vehicles are deployed and counted on. This filter system will eliminate this problem from occurring. How clean can the GCF system get the fuel? A typical fuel filter cleans down to 15 micron size particles. The GCF system removes particles down below 1 micron. Does the GCF system remove water? The GCF system uses a huge water separator with two sensors that automatically senses the water to alert the operator to drain the water. If the water is not drained when the alarm goes off, the 2nd sensor will automatically shut down the system until the water is drained so that the water will not pass through the system. What all can the system be used for? Not only can the GCF system be used to clean contaminated fuel, but it can also be used to transfer fuel in the field, or fill up a vehicle that is not in the vicinity of a fuel station. This system was initially designed to clean fuel in M1 Abrams tanks and other equipment that sets idle for a long period of time. This means that if the units were ever deployed, you would know that the fuel in them is clean and ready to be used. What locations are using these systems? Texas ARNG, Alabama ARNG, Tennessee ARNG, Minnesota ARNG, Georgia ARNG, Michigan ARNG, Pennsylvania ARNG, South Dakota ARNG, Kentucky ARNG, Mississippi ARNG, Oklahoma ARNG and many other locations throughout the U.S. Savings Both the Texas and Michigan Army National Guard received national awards for reducing hazardous waste. We have letters from both of these states stating how the GCF Fuel Cleaning System played a huge part in their reductions of waste fuel.